Doppler Echocardiography; A Practical Manual. Shah P.M; Vijayaraghavan G;Singham K.T. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985. Currently published by Churchill Livingstone.
Doppler Echocardiography; A Practical Manual. Shah P.M; Vijayaraghavan G;
Singham K.T. Translated to Chinese language by Suan J.P; 1987.
Cardiovascular disease prevention. Proceedings of the workshop organised by the
department of cardiology, Medical College, Trivandrum, India. 1996. Edited by
Vijayaraghavan G and Sunitha Kumari K.
Intensive Coronary care; The Trivandrum Protocol. Proceedings of the Continuing
Medical Education Program organized by the Department of Cardiology, Medical College,
Trivandrum, India. 1997. Edited by Vijayaraghavan G and Sunitha Kumari K.
Malayalam Publications
Hridayam Hridrogam. Edited by Vijayaraghavan G. Published by the Language
Institute of Kerala. 1987.
Hridrogam Keraleeyaril. Vijayaraghavan G. Sankeerthanam Publications, 2003.
Published in Journals outside India.
Vijayaraghavan G; Cherian G; Krishnaswamy S; Sukumar I.P; John S. Rheumatic
aortic stenosis in young patients presenting with combined aortic and mitral stenosis.
British Heart Journal, 1977; 39: 294-298.
Vijayaraghavan G; Krishnaswami S; Sukumar I.P; Cherian G. Left ventricular
endomyocardial fibrosis in India. British Heart Journal, 1977; 39: 563-568.
Davies J; Spry C.J.F; Vijayaraghavan G; De Souza J.A. A comparison of the clinical
and cardiologic features of endomyocardial disease in the temperate and tropical regions.
Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1982; 59 179-183.
Cherian G; Vijayaraghavan G; Krishnaswami S; Sukumar I.P; John S; Jairaj P.S;
Bhaktaviziam A. Endomyocardial fibrosis, Report on haemodynamic data in 29 patients
and a review of the results of surgery. American Heart Journal, 1983; 105: 659-666.
Vijayaraghavan G; Davies J; Sadanandan S; Spry C.J.F; Gibson D.G; Goodwin J.F.
Echocardiographic features of tropical endomyocardial fibrosis in South India. British
Heart Journal, 1983; 50: 450-459.
Vijayaraghavan G; Singham K.T; Tei C; Wong A.L; Wong M; Shah P.M. Aortic
flow velocity in older subjects using continuous wave Doppler echocardiography. American
Heart Journal, 1984; 107: 1275-1276.
Tei C; Chin K; Vijayaraghavan G; Boltwood C.M; Shah P.M. Paradoxical
deterioration of left ventricular asynergy after administration of Nitroglycerine. American
Journal of Cardiology, 1985; 55: 677-679.
Wong M; Vijayaraghavan G; Bae J.H; Shah P.M. In-vitro study of the pressurevelocity
relation across stenotic orifices. American Journal of Cardiology, 1985; 56: 465-469.
Vijayaraghavan G; Boltwood C.M; Tei C; Wong M; Shah P.M; Simplified
Echocardiographic Measurement of the mitral anulus. American Heart Journal, 1986; 112:
Karnik A.M: Nilsson U; Vijayaraghavan G; Hashmi J; Direct communication
between left pulmonary artery and left atrium. Chest, 1989; 96: 936-939.
Vijayaraghavan G, Balakrishnan M, Sadanandan S, Cherian G. Pattern of
myocardial calcification in endomyocardial fibrosis. Heart and Vessels - Supplement 1990,
5: P 4-7.
Vijayaraghavan G, Sadanandan S, Cherian G. Endomyocardial Fibrosis; An
overview. Cardiomyopathy update (Monograph) Vol 3, 1990. Ed M Sekiguchi, University of
Tokyo Press, 1990.
Salama AL, Vijayaraghavan G, Uthaman G, Cherian G, Hyat NHJ. Doppler
echocardiographic studies in endomyocardial fibrosis. The Journal of Kuwait Medical
association, 1996; 28: 35-40.
Abstracts published in Journals outside India.
Vijayaraghavan G; Davies J; Sadanandan S; Spry C.J.F; Gibson D.G; Goodwin J.
Two dimensional echocardiographic diagnosis of Endomyocardial fibrosis; Abnormalities
of regional echo intensity. Circulation, 1982; 66 Suppl ii. 122.
Vijayaraghavan G; Tei C; Boltwood C; Shah P.M. Mitral Valve Prolapse in
Ischaemic heart disease. Circulation, 1983; 68: Suppl iii, p 241.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. Right ventricular apical dimple in
endomyocardial fibrosis. 5th Asian Congress of Cardiology, Bangkok, Thailand, 1984;
Abstracts, p 221 A.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. Dynamic Intracavitary echoes in
Endomyocardial fibrosis. Asian Pacific Conference on Doppler and Echocardiography,
1985; Tokyo, Japan, Abstracts.
Sadanandan S; Vijayaraghavan G. Mechanism of central cyanosis in right
ventricular Endomyocardial Fibrosis. Asian Pacific Conference on Doppler and
Echocardiography, 1985; Tokyo, Japan, Abstracts.
Salama A.L; Vijayaraghavan G; Yousof A.M; John V; Shuhaiber H; Cherian G.
Accuracy of two dimensional echocardiographic localization of calcium in the mitral valve;
Comparison with radiography of the excised valve. Echocardiology, 1987; 4: 456.
Vijayaraghavan G; Yousof A.M; Cherian G. Significance of posterolateral direction
of the rheumatic mitral regurgitation jet in color Doppler studies. Echocardiology, 1987; 4:
Vijayaraghavan G; Constantinides A; Yousof A.M; Cherian G. Interatrial flow
dynamics in secundum atrial septal defect. Abstracts, 5th World Congress of paediatric
Cardiology, 1987; Vienna, Austria.
Constantinides A; Vijayaraghavan G; Yousof A.M; Cherian G. Mechanism of phasic
right to left shunt in secundum atrial septal defect. Echocardiology, 1987; 4: 461.
Endrys J; Kristan L; Yousof A.M; Garbo H; Vijayaraghavan G. Assessment of left
to right shunt after mitral balloon valvuloplasty. European Heart Journal, 1989; 10: 280.
Abstract supplement, xi Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Nice, France.
Vijayaraghavan G; Salama A.L; Devarajan L.V; Cherian G; Yousof A.M. Doppler
echo studies in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery,
1989; 30: 12. ( xix World Congress of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery
(Sept 5th to 9th 1989) Supplement.
Vijayaraghavan G; Salama A.L; Karnik A; Uthaman U; Menon K; Shuhaiber H;
Cherian G; Yousof A.M. The timing of echo contrast in the left atrium and the location of
pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 1989; 30: 83. ( xix
World Congress of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (Sept 5th to 9th
1989) Supplement.
Garbo H; Vijayaraghavan G; Salama A.L; Cherian G; Yousof A.M. Right
ventricular ejection characteristics in isolated pulmonary valvar stenosis. Proceedings of the
3rd World congress of Paediatric cardiology, 1989; Bangkok, Thailand, P 75.
Vijayaraghavan G; Constantinides A; Salama A.L; Devarajan L.V; Cherian G;
Yousof A.M. Comprehensive echo Doppler evaluation of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Proceedings of the 3rd World congress of Paediatric cardiology, 1989; Bangkok, Thailand,
P 76.
Constantinides A; Vijayaraghavan G; Devarajan L.V; Sabri M.H; Cherian G;
Yousof A.M. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome; Morphometric studies using 2-Dimensional
echocardiography. Proceedings of the 3rd World congress of Paediatric cardiology, 1989;
Bangkok, Thailand, P 176.
Kiwan Y.A, Hayat N, Shuhaiber H, Vijayaraghavan G, Chug T.D, Khan N, Mualla
F, Madi S. Infective endocarditis: A prospective study of 60 consecutive cases. J of Kuwait
Med Ass. 1990; 24: 142-145.
Salama A.L; Vijayaraghavan G; Uthaman B; Endrys G; Yousof A.M; Cherian G;
Doppler echocardiographic studies in Endomyocardial Fibrosis. Philippine Journal of
Cardiology, 1990; 19, (Abstracts of the 11th World Congress of Cardiology) P 1-183.
Vijayaraghavan G; Salama A.L; Kiwan Y; Gharbo H; Shuhaiber H; John V; Chugh
T.D; Yousof A.M; Cherian G. Aortic root Abscess complicating Infective Endocarditis; An
Echo Doppler study. Philippine Journal of Cardiology, 1990; 19: (Abstracts of the 11th
World Congress of Cardiology) P 1-202.
Constantinides A; Vijayaraghavan G; Yousof A.M; Cherian G. Left to right shunt
through patent foramen ovale in infants with ventricular septal defects. Philippine Journal
of Cardiology, 1990; 19: (Abstracts of the 11th World Congress of Cardiology) P 1-455.
Garbo H; Vijayaraghavan G; Endrys G; Kiwan Y; Hyat Y; Salama A.L; Yousof
A.M; Cherian G. Incidence of atrial septal defect following percutaneous mitral balloon
valvuloplasty. Proceedings of the First Pan Arab Congress of Cardiology and the 17th
annual meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology, 20th to 23rd Feb 1990, Cairo, Egypt.
Original Articles published in Indian Journals.
Cherian G; Vijayaraghavan G; Abraham J. Electrocardiogram in Stroke. Journal of
Indian council of Medical research; 1973; Technical Series No. 23: p 143-149.
Vijayaraghavan G; Kidao J; Sudarsanam D; Fenn A.S; Cherian G. A case of
primary hyperaldosteronism with hypokalaemia antedating hypertension. Indian Heart
Journal, 1973; 26: 209-212.
Kuruvilla A; Vijayaraghavan G; Cherian G. A preliminary study of cardiac toxicity
of Cerbera Odollum. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 1973; 5: 249.
Cherian G; Vijayaraghavan G; Abraham J. Electrocardiogram in Stroke. Indian
Heart Journal, 1973; 25: Suppl i, p 230-236.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sarvotham S.G; Sudarsanam D; Sukumar I.P. Concurrent
bacterial endocarditis and rheumatic carditis. Indian Heart Journal, 1974; 26: 269-272.
Vijayaraghavan G; Kuruvilla A; Warrier N.S; Cherian G. Cardiovascular effects of
Cerebrin. Indian Heart Journal. 1974; 26: 79-83.
Narendranathan M; Krishnadas K.V; Vijayaraghavan G;. Prognostic factors in
Cerebra Odollum Poisoning. Indian Heart Journal, 1975; 27: 283-286.
Narendranathan M; Krishnadas K.V; Vijayaraghavan G. Electrocardio-graphic
changes in Cerebra Odollum poisoning. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 1975;
23: 757-762.
Vijayaraghavan G; Cherian G; Abraham K.A. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous
Verapamil in normal subjects. Indian Heart Journal, 1975; 30: 159-162.
Vijayaraghavan G; Durairaj M; Rao V.D; Sukumar I.P; Cherian G; Persistent atrial
standstill. Indian Heart Journal 1976; 28: 61-63.
Vijayaraghavan G; Munsi S.C; Sukumar I.P; Cherian G. Effect of beta-adrenergic
blocking agents in Tetralogy of Fallot. Indian Heart Journal, 1976; 28: 165-169.
Vijayaraghavan G; Cherian G. Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy;
Prevention of outflow tract obstruction with propranalol. Journal of Association of
Physicians of India. 1976; 24: 631-636.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P; Krishnaswami S; John S. Absent left pulmonary
artery with left aortic arch and subaortic stenosis. Indian Heart Journal, 1976; 28: 247-250.
Durairaj M; Bhaktaviziam A.; Vijayaraghavan G; Jayachandran C.A; Sukumar I.P;
Cherian G. Asplenia Syndrome; A study of cardiac anomalies in 10 cases. Indian
Paediatrics, 1976; 13: 237-241.
Balaji N.K; Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P; Cherian G. Haemodynamics of
isolated pulmonary valvar stenosis in young subjects. Indian Paediatrics, 1976; 13: 557-564.
Kidao J; Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P; Durairaj M; Cherian G. Second heart
sound in secundum atrial septal defect. A phonocardiographic study with haemodynamic
correlation. Indian Paediatrics, 1977; 14: 55-60.
Balaji N.K; Sukumar I.P; Vijayaraghavan G; Durairaj M; Cherian G. Scalar
electrocardiographic and haemodynamic correlations in isolated pulmonary valvar stenosis.
Indian Paediatrics, 1977; 14: 963-966.
Rao A.S.C; Cherian G; Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P; John S. Congenital
absence of primary division of the pulmonary trunk. Journal of Association of Physician`s
of India. 1977; 23: 617-623.
Balaji N.K; Abraham K.A; Sukumar I.P; Durairaj M; Vijayaraghavan G; John S;
Cherian G. Congenital aortopulmonary septal defect. Indian Heart Journal, 1977; 29: 220-
Rao A.S.C; Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P; John S; Cherian G. Tetralogy of Fallot
with absence of pulmonary valve. Report of a case with long survival. Indian Heart Journal,
1978; 30: 120-124.
Durairaj M; Vijayaraghavan G; Abraham K.A; Balaji N.K; Nampoodiry N;
Sukumar I.P; Cherian G. Cardiovascular manifestations of Marfan`s Syndrome. Journal of
Association of Physicians of India, 1979; 27: 667-681.
Vijayaraghavan G. Endomyocardial fibrosis: Clinical, Electrocardiographic and
Radiological features. in 'Endomyocardial fibrosis in India'. Ed R.P.Sapru. Indian Council
of Medical Research, New Delhi, India. 1983. P 22-28.
Vijayaraghavan G. Haemodynamic features of Endomyocardial fibrosis. in
'Endomyocardial fibrosis in India'. Ed R.P.Sapru. Indian Council of Medical Research,
New Delhi, India. 1983. p 64-67.
Vijayaraghavan G. Angiographic features of Endomyocardial fibrosis. in
'Endomyocardial fibrosis in India'. Ed R.P.Sapru. Indian Council of Medical Research,
New Delhi, India. 1983. p 104-106.
Vijayaraghavan G, Echocardiographic features of Endomyocardial fibrosis. in
'Endomyocardial fibrosis in India'. Ed R.P.Sapru. Indian Council of Medical Research,
New Delhi, India 1983 p
Tennyson S, George Koshy A, Sunitha Kumari K, Vijayaraghavan G. Asymptomatic
congenital giant right atrial diverticulum. Indian Heart Journal 1995; 47: 42-43.
Review Articles and Editorials in Indian Journals.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sukumar I.P. Transponere: A new look at Transposition of great
arteries. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 1976; 24: 531.
Sukumar I.P; Vijayaraghavan G. Medical management of congenital heart disease.
Indian Heart Journal, 1976; Teaching Series, Vol i. Part i, p. 53-56.
Cherian G; Vijayaraghavan G. Medical management of cardiogenic shock. Indian
Heart Journal, 1976; Teaching Series, Vol i, Part ii, p. 92-96.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. Immunological phenomena in tropical
endomyocardial fibrosis. Indian Heart Journal, 1984; 36: 87-89.
Vijayaraghavan G. Epidemiology of Ischaemic Heart Disease in India - An
Overview. in "Epidemiology in Medicine" Ed G.N.Menon. Interline publishing, Bangalore,
India. 1992, p 247-256.
Vijayaraghavan G. Pericardiocentesis: Need for haemodynamic monitoring. Journal
of Association of physicians of India. 1992, 40: 652-653.
Vijayaraghavan G. Limitations of echo Doppler quantitation of mitral regurgitation.
J Ind Academy of Echo 1996; 1: 49-51.
Abstracts published in Indian Journals.
Vijayaraghavan G; Girija G; Philip E. Right ventricular Endomyocardial Fibrosis;
A two dimensional echocardiographic study. Indian Heart Journal, 1981; 33: 127.
Girija G; Vijayaraghavan G; Menon M.R.S. Two dimensional echocardiographic
anatomy of rheumatic mitral stenosis. Indian Heart Journal, 1981; 33: 127.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. 2-D Echocardiographic study of family members
of patients with endomyocardial fibrosis. Indian Heart Journal, 1982; 34: 275.
Sadanandan S; Vijayaraghavan G; Menon M.R.S. Preoperative diagnosis of atrial
septal defect using 2-D echocardiography. Indian Heart Journal, 1982; 34: 311.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. Right ventricular Endomyocardial fibrosis.
International congress on echocardiography. 1982 Abstracts, Bombay, India.
Sadanandan S; Vijayaraghavan G. Diagnosis of infective endocarditis using two
dimensional echocardiography. Indian Heart Journal, 1983; 35: 282.
Vijayaraghavan G; Tei C; Aulin A; Shah P.M. Transcutaneous Doppler aortic
measurements in elderly subjects. Indian Heart Journal, 1983; 35: 295.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S; Balakrishnan M; Bharatchandran C; Mathew J;
Measurement of secundum atrial septal defect using two dimensional echo contrast
technique. International congress of Echocardiography, 1984; Bombay, India, Abstracts.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S; Balakrishnan S; Mathew A.J; Chandran C.B.
Role of contrast echocardiography in atrial septal defects; A study using a new contrast
echo technique. Indian Heart Journal, 1984; 36: 288.
Vijayaraghavan G; Sadanandan S. Mechanism of production of mitral regurgitation
in left ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis. Indian Heart Journal, 1984; 36: 290.
Sadanandan S; Vijayaraghavan G; Chandran C.B; Mathew A.J; Balakrishnan M.
Incidence of tricuspid valve disease in chronic rheumatic heart disease; A 2-D echo study.
Indian Heart Journal, 1984; 36: 312. 73)
Vijayaraghavan G; Salama A.L; Hyat N. Pulmonary venous flow pattern in
rheumatic mitral stenosis: A biplane trans esophageal study. Indian Heart Journal 1993, 45:
Sivaprasad K; Girija G; Vijayaraghavan G. Has the clinical presentation of
rheumatic fever changed? Indian Heart Journal 1993, 45: 391.
Suresh K; Najeeb P.A; Ashraf M; Abhayambika K; Vijayan A.K; Bahuleyan C.G;
Vijayaraghavan G. Comparison of thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction using
intravenous Streptokinase versus intravenous Urokinase. Indian Heart Journal 1993, 45:
Gupta P.N; Suresh K; Tennyson S; Vijayaraghavan G. Prevalence of late potentials
in Endomyocardial fibrosis. Indian Heart Journal 1993, 45: 431.
Vijayaraghavan G, Gupta P N; Girija G; Suresh K. Cardiac toxicity of Ceredra
odollum and Thevetia nerifolia; a comparative study of clinical features. Indian Heart
journal 1994, 46: 79.
Zulfikar M A; Shanawaz M; Girija R; Vijayaraghavan G; Sabarinathan K.
Echocardiographic evaluation of acute rheumatic carditis and intermediate term follow up.
Indian Heart journal 1994, 46: 184.
Tennyson S; Subair M; Vijayaraghavan G. Differential effect of thrombolytic
therapy on late potentials in anterior and inferior myocardial infarction. Indian Heart
journal 1995, 47: 572.
Sivaprasad K; George Koshy A; Vijayaraghavan G. Safety of thrombolytic therapy
in the elderly population, Indian Heart journal 1995, 47: 572 - 573.
Balachandran K; Vijayaraghavan G. Role of Dalteparin sodium in rest angina.
Indian Heart journal 1995, 47: 579.
Tennyson S; Subair M; Vijayaraghavan G. QT dispersion vs late potentials in acute
myocardial infarction. Indian Heart journal 1995, 47: 581
Kumar N P; Balakrishnan N; Vijayaraghavan G. Variable response to thrombolysis
in myocardial infarction. Indian Heart journal 1995, 47: 605.
Gupta P N; Sunitha K; Vijayaraghavan G. Outcome of women with myocardial
infarction. Indian Heart journal 1995, 47: 642.
Conferences outside India.
Annual session of the American Heart Association, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. Nov 1982.Poster presentation - "Two dimensional echocardiographic diagnosis of Endomyocardial fibrosis;Abnormalities of regional echo intensity".
Faculty member, American College of Cardiology work shop on Advanced Clinical
Echocardiography, San Diego, U.S.A. June 1983. Lecture on - "Color coding of two
dimensional echo in Endomyocardial Fibrosis".
Annual session of the American Heart Association, Anaheim, California, U.S.A. Nov
1983. Paper presented -
"Mitral Valve Prolapse in Ischaemic heart disease".
5th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 1984. Paper
presented -
"Right ventricular apical dimple in endomyocardial fibrosis".
Asian Pacific Conference on Doppler and Echocardiography, Tokyo, Japan, Aug
1985. Papers presented -
a) Dynamic Intracavitary echoes in Endomyocardial fibrosis.
b) Mechanism of central cyanosis in Right ventricular
Endomyocardial Fibrosis.
Faculty member at the Medina Cardiology Seminar, Medina, Saudi Arabia, April
1986. Guest lectures on -
a) New technique of Left ventricular wall motion analysis using multiple apical
cross sectional echocardiography.
b) Blood flow imaging in congenital heart disease.
World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology, Vienna, Austria, Feb 1987. Paper
presented on - "Interatrial flow dynamics in secundum atrial septal defect".
Second Asian Pacific Conference on Echo and Doppler echocardiography, San
Diego, U.S.A. Nov 1987. Papers presented -
a) Accuracy of two dimensional echocardiographic localization of calcium in the
mitral valve; Comparison with radiography of the excised valve.
b) Significance of posterolateral direction of the rheumatic mitral regurgitation jet in
color Doppler studies.
c) Mechanism of phasic right to left shunt in secundum atrial septal defect.
d) Guest lecture on - "Echocardiographic features of Endomyocardial Fibrosis".
International Symposium on Cardiomyopathy held at Tokyo, Japan Sept 1988
papers presented: -
a) Guest lecture on "Endomyocardial fibrosis; an overview".
b) Pattern of myocardial calcification in endomyocardial fibrosis.
c) Mechanism of central cyanosis in endomyocardial fibrosis.
Second UAE Cardiovascular Conference, Abu Dhabi, Feb 1989. Guest lecture on -
"The role of color Doppler blood flow imaging in the diagnosis of
congenital heart disease"
3rd World Congress of Paediatric cardiology, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 1989. Papers
presented -
a) Right ventricular ejection characteristics in isolated pulmonary valvar stenosis.
b) Comprehensive echo Doppler evaluation of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
c) Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome; Morphometric studies using 2-Dimensional
11th World Congress of Cardiology, Manila, Philippines, Feb 1990. Papers presented
a) Doppler echocardiographic studies in Endomyocardial Fibrosis.(Poster
b) Aortic root Abscess complicating Infective Endocarditis.
c) Left to right shunt through patent foramen ovale in infants with ventricular
septal defects.
d) Guest lecture on: “Tropical endomyocardial Fibrosis in India”.
Participation in Conferences held in India.
First National Conference on Diabetes Mellitus, Madras, Jan 1969. Paper presented
on "Carbohydrate and Lipid metabolism in the normal relatives of diabetic
Annual Conference of the Cardiological Society of India, Madras, Jan 1972. Papers
presented: -
a) Concurrent Bacterial endocarditis and Rheumatic Carditis,
b) Electrocardiogram in Stroke,
c) Primary Hyperaldosteronism with Hypokalaemia antedating Hypertension.
Mid term Session of the Cardiological Society of India, New Delhi, Sept 1972. Paper
presented - "Cardiovascular effects of Cerberin".
Annual Conference of the Cardiological Society of India, Bangalore, Jan 1975.
Papers presented: -
a) A cineangiographic appraisal of Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis.
b) Second heart sound in II0 ASD; A phonocardiographic study.
National Seminar on Beta-blockers, Chandigarh, Nov 1975. Papers presented:
a) Effect of beta-adrenergic blocking agents in Tetralogy of Fallot.
b) Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy; Prevention of outflow
tract obstruction with propranalol.
Annual session of the Cardiological Society of India, New Delhi, Jan 1976. Papers
presented: -
a) Rheumatic Aortic Stenosis in young subjects,
b) Left ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis in India.
Mid term session of the Cardiological Society of India, Chandigarh, Sept 1976. Paper
presented: "Radiological features of Endomyocardial Fibrosis".
Annual session of Association of Physician's of India, Calcutta, Jan 1977. Paper
presented: "Congestive cardiac failure in the New born".
Mid term session of the Cardiological Society of India, Kanpur, Sept 1977. Paper
presented: - "Cardiovascular effects of Cerberin after beta blockade".
Mid term session of the Cardiological Society of India, Srinagar, Kashmir, Sept 1978.
Guest lecture on: "Apical systolic murmurs".
Annual Session of Association of Physician's of India, Nagpur, Jan 1979. Guest
lecture on: - "Drug resistant ventricular tachycardia".
International conference on Echocardiography, Bombay, Dec 1980. Guest lecture on
"Echocardiographic features of Congenital Cyanotic Heart Diseases".
Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, New Delhi, Sept 1981. Papers
presented: -
a) Two dimensional echocardiographic anatomy of rheumatic mitral stenosis.
b) Right ventricular Endomyocardial Fibrosis; A two dimensional
echocardiographic study.
a) Guest lecture on "Role of Two dimensional echocardiography in the
diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseases"
International Congress on Echocardiography, Bombay, Dec 1981. Papers presented:
a) Echocardiographic features of Right Ventricular Endomyocardial fibrosis.
b) Two dimensional echocardiographic studies in Left ventricular
Endomyocardial fibrosis.
International Congress on Tropical Cardiology, Bombay, Sept 1982.
a) Delivered the "Warner Heart Oration" Subject - Endomyocardial Fibrosis in
b) Paper presented: - 2-D Echocardiographic study of family members of patients
with endomyocardial fibrosis.
Annual session of Cardiological Society of India, Madras, Sept 1983. Papers
presented -
a) Diagnosis of infective endocarditis using two-dimensional echocardiography.
b) Transcutaneous Doppler aortic measurements in elderly subjects.
International Congress on Echocardiography, Bombay, Dec 1984. Paper presented -
"Measurement of secundum atrial septal defect using two dimensional echo contrast
Annual conference of the Indian Society of Medical Ultrasound, Bangalore, Jan
1985. Guest lecture -"Pathologic anatomy of mitral valve in rheumatic mitral
Annual Conference of the Cardiological Society of India, Hyderabad, 1984. Papers
presented -
a) Role of contrast echocardiography in atrial septal defects; Study using a new
contrast echo technique.
b) Mechanism of production of mitral regurgitation in left ventricular
endomyocardial fibrosis.
c) Incidence of tricuspid valve disease in chronic rheumatic heart disease; A 2-D echo
Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Medical Ultrasound, Pune, Jan 1987.
Guest lecture on -"Role of color blood flow imaging in new born infants with heart
International congress on 'Directions in Cardiovascular Advances’ Bombay, Oct
1989. Guest lectures on -
a) Echo Doppler evaluation of prosthetic valve function.
b) Balloon Mitral Valvotomy in Young Subjects.
Annual conference of the Cardiological Society of India, Hyderabad, India, Nov
1991. Guest lecture on "Echo Doppler diagnosis of Ventricular Septal Defects".
Annual conference of the Cardiological Society of India, Madras, India, Dec 1993.
Paper presented: Pulmonary venous flow pattern (PVFP) in rheumatic mitral
stenosis: A biplane trans esophageal study.
Annual conference of Cardiological Society of India, Jaipur, Dec 1994.
Chairman, Judging committee for the annual award session.
Moderator, Workshop on Trans Esophageal Echocardiography.
Annual Conference of the Indian Academy of Echocardiography, 1995, New Delhi.
Guest lecture on “Tissue characterization using two dimensional echocardiography".
Annual conference of Cardiological Society of India, Lucknow, Dec 1995.
Annual conference of Cardiological Society of India, Bangalore, Nov 1996, Guest
lecture on -‘Tissue Doppler Echocardiography’.
Annual conference of the Indian Academy of Echocardiography, Madras Jan 1997,
Guest lecture on - ‘Echo Doppler studies in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy’.